I | had been running | for six hours by the time | I arrived | at the finish line. |
αυτό συνέβη πρώτα | αυτό συνέβη αργότερα |
By the time | I arrived | at the finish line, | I had been running | for six hours. |
αυτό συνέβη αργότερα | αυτό συνέβη πρώτα |
You He / She / It We They |
(or: I'd / She'd / They'd, etc) |
been | lying | in the sun for hours. |
hadn't (had not) |
Had |
You He / She / It We They |
been | lying | in the sun for hours? |
Συμπλήρωσε τις προτάσεις με το σωστό τύπο του υπερσυντέλικου διαρκείας του ρήματος στις αγκύλες.