Please submit the missing answers shown in red
Thank you for your email. We would be pleased to meet at our offices in Birmingham to discuss your
----- proposal pattern statement
for a joint venture. Would any of the following dates and times be convenient for you?
Monday 1st March – after 4 p.m.
Wednesday 3rd March – before 2 p.m.
Tuesday 9th March – any time between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.
Friday 12th March – before 3 p.m. (and ----- obviously otherwise preferably
before 1 p.m.)
I will be attending the meeting along with our managing director. I will ask our sales director, who is
----- placed based put
in London, to join us for the first part of the meeting by video call.
Please could you
----- let tell inform
me know who will be attending from your company?
We can prepare
----- the minutes an agenda a diary
in due course, but I would suggest we start with short presentations outlining the activities and strategic priorities of our respective organisations.
I look
----- four word foreword forward
to meeting next month.
Kind regards,