An email to an operations team

An extract from an email from an operations director to her team.

Select the best option from those shown.

Please see below a summary of some of the matters discussed in this morning's management meeting.

Kind regards,

  • We've just signed a contract to supply three water filtration systems to a new customer. We'll start work on building these next month. On account should we send out the units before payment has been received – we'll need to make sure we with the finance team on this.
  • The company has been awarded a government to spend on improvements to make the factory more energy efficient. If you're working on this project, please make sure you use the correct project code (J331) when purchase orders for the work so that we can keep track of how the money is being spent.
  • It's the quarterly next week, so there'll be a team counting the items we have in the warehouse.
  • Please you submit any holiday requests for March by Thursday morning.

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