Viaggiare in autobus e pullman

Travelling by bus and coach

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Viaggiare in autobus

Travelling by bus and coach

Il tuo punteggio Vocabolario Audio Traduzione Frase esempio / note


a bus un autobus ‘I prefer to take the bus. It’s quicker than walking and cheaper than taking a taxi.’


a bus station una stazione degli autobus ‘The bus station is opposite the railway station.’


a bus stop una fermata degli autobus ‘There’s a bus stop at the end of the road.’


a coach un pullman ‘The newer coaches have Wi-Fi on board.’


a coach station una stazione dei pullman ‘I need to get to the coach station early to collect my ticket.’


to buy a ticket comprare un biglietto ‘Can I buy a ticket on board the train?’

Il tuo punteggio Vocabolario, Audio, Traduzione, Frase esempio / note


a bus
un autobus
‘I prefer to take the bus. It’s quicker than walking and cheaper than taking a taxi.’


a bus station
una stazione degli autobus
‘The bus station is opposite the railway station.’


a bus stop
una fermata degli autobus
‘There’s a bus stop at the end of the road.’


a coach
un pullman
‘The newer coaches have Wi-Fi on board.’


a coach station
una stazione dei pullman
‘I need to get to the coach station early to collect my ticket.’


to buy a ticket
comprare un biglietto
‘Can I buy a ticket on board the train?’