Una sala de estar

A living room

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Sométase a una prueba de vocabulario

Una sala de estar

A living room

Su puntuación Vocabulario Sonido Traducción Frase de ejemplo / notas


an armchair un sillón ‘We’re selling a three-piece suite. It is made up of a large settee and two armchairs.’


a carpet una alfombra ‘Please be careful not to spill any drinks on the new carpet.’


a coffee table una mesita para servir café ‘Please use a coaster to protect the coffee table.’


a houseplant una planta de interior ‘Please could you water the houseplants while I’m away?’


a rug una alfombrilla ‘We need to buy a new rug for the lounge.’


a settee un sofá ‘We’ve ordered a new settee for the living room. It should arrive next week.’

Also referred to as ‘a sofa’; American English = ‘a couch’


a table lamp una lámpara de mesa ‘We’ve bought a new table lamp for the lounge.’

Su puntuación Vocabulario, Sonido, Traducción, Frase de ejemplo / notas


an armchair
un sillón
‘We’re selling a three-piece suite. It is made up of a large settee and two armchairs.’


a carpet
una alfombra
‘Please be careful not to spill any drinks on the new carpet.’


a coffee table
una mesita para servir café
‘Please use a coaster to protect the coffee table.’


a houseplant
una planta de interior
‘Please could you water the houseplants while I’m away?’


a rug
una alfombrilla
‘We need to buy a new rug for the lounge.’


a settee
un sofá
‘We’ve ordered a new settee for the living room. It should arrive next week.’

Also referred to as ‘a sofa’; American English = ‘a couch’


a table lamp
una lámpara de mesa
‘We’ve bought a new table lamp for the lounge.’

Práctica de vocabulario de inglés general
Práctica de vocabulario de inglés de negocios
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Inglés de negocios