Se déplacer en voiture

Travelling by car

Passez un test ici pour voir votre note pour chacun des mots présentés :

Passer un test de vocabulaire

Le permis de conduire

Driving licence

Votre note Vocabulaire Audio Traduction Phrase d'exemple / les notes


to take a driving test passer son permis de conduire ‘I'm taking my driving test next week.’


to pass a driving test réussir son permis de conduire ‘I passed my driving test aged 18 but didn't start driving regularly until two years later.’


to hold a driving licence avoir un permis de conduire ‘I don’t hold a driving licence; I’ve never learnt how to drive.’

American English = ‘a driving license’


to receive a speeding ticket recevoir une contravention pour excès de vitesse ‘I received two speeding tickets in the course of a week.’


penalty points des points de pénalité ‘I have three penalty points on my licence.’

If you commit a traffic offence, penalty points are given to you. How many depends on the offence.
Votre note Vocabulaire, Audio, Traduction, Phrase d'exemple / les notes


to take a driving test
passer son permis de conduire
‘I'm taking my driving test next week.’


to pass a driving test
réussir son permis de conduire
‘I passed my driving test aged 18 but didn't start driving regularly until two years later.’


to hold a driving licence
avoir un permis de conduire
‘I don’t hold a driving licence; I’ve never learnt how to drive.’

American English = ‘a driving license’


to receive a speeding ticket
recevoir une contravention pour excès de vitesse
‘I received two speeding tickets in the course of a week.’


penalty points
des points de pénalité
‘I have three penalty points on my licence.’

If you commit a traffic offence, penalty points are given to you. How many depends on the offence.



Votre note Vocabulaire Audio Traduction Phrase d'exemple / les notes


to break down tomber en panne ‘One of our delivery vans has broken down.’


to get lost se perdre ‘The driver got lost, so the delivery arrived later than promised.’


to have a flat tyre avoir un pneu crevé ‘Sorry, I would have arrived on time, but I had a flat tyre.’


to have an accident avoir un accident ‘The delivery driver had an accident on the way to the depot.’


to be stuck in traffic être coincé(e) dans les embouteillages ‘We were stuck in traffic for over three hours.’


a traffic jam un embouteillage ‘There’s a football match taking place this afternoon, so there are a number of traffic jams near the stadium.’

Votre note Vocabulaire, Audio, Traduction, Phrase d'exemple / les notes


to break down
tomber en panne
‘One of our delivery vans has broken down.’


to get lost
se perdre
‘The driver got lost, so the delivery arrived later than promised.’


to have a flat tyre
avoir un pneu crevé
‘Sorry, I would have arrived on time, but I had a flat tyre.’


to have an accident
avoir un accident
‘The delivery driver had an accident on the way to the depot.’


to be stuck in traffic
être coincé(e) dans les embouteillages
‘We were stuck in traffic for over three hours.’


a traffic jam
un embouteillage
‘There’s a football match taking place this afternoon, so there are a number of traffic jams near the stadium.’

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