A headquarters

A description of a company's offices from an email sent by one office manager to another.

Select the best option from those shown.

Our headquarters is arranged over two floors of a large office block near the railway station.

Reception is on the third floor of the , opposite the lifts. We have a number of meeting rooms on this floor which we use when meeting clients and also for internal meetings.

In the northwest corner of the third floor we have a small hotdesking area and some videoconferencing booths.

The fourth floor is where most of the desks are . There are thirty desks in total in the area, and we have around seventy staff who regularly work in the office, so it's quite important to book a desk advance because space is often rather limited.

We've just signed a new for some space on the tenth floor which we'll use for a product development lab. We'll also use space there to some test equipment.

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