Second conditionnel

(Second conditional)


On utilise le second conditionnel pour décrire une situation au présent qui n'est pas réelle, et son résultat si on imagine qu'il est réel.

    If I took the bus, I would arrive at 7pm.     

Forme - conditionnel et proposition principale

On forme le second conditionnel avec une proposition conditionnelle et une proposition principale:
L'ordre des propositions n'est pas important: le sens est le même.

Si on met la proposition conditionnelle avant la proposition principale, on utilise une virgule:

Proposition conditionnelle Proposition principale
"If" + prétérit + virgule "would" + infinitif (sans "to")
If I took the bus, I would arrive at 7pm.
If I owned that house, I would paint it a different colour.
If I lived in Italy, I would learn to cook Italian food.
If you were me, would you take the train or the bus?
If Tom were rich, he would buy an expensive car.

On n'utilise pas de virgule si on met la proposition principale avant la proposition conditionnelle:

Proposition principale Proposition conditionnelle
"would" + infinitif (sans "to") "if" + prétérit
I would arrive at 7pm if I took the bus.
I would paint that house a different colour if I owned it.
I would learn to cook Italian food if I lived in Italy.
Would you take the train or the bus if you were me?
Tom would buy an expensive car if he were rich.

Exercices d'entraînement

Complétez les phrases en mettant le verbe entre parenthèses à la forme correcte du second conditionnel:
If I    to London, I would go to St. Paul’s cathedral. (go)

Jack and Emily would get a cat if they    near a busy road. (not live)

I'd    you to the Lake District if you came to London. (take)

If I gave you £100, what would you    with it? (do)


E xercices d'entraînement supplémentaires

Complétez les phrases en choisissant la réponse correcte entre a, b, c or d:
I would be surprised if she ____ the job.


They ____ to Bolivia if they had the chance.


Would you ____ to the conference if the company were paying for the tickets?


I’d cook steak if he ____ meat.


He ____ weight if he had a healthier diet.


Sarah said she would come to the party with me if she ____ a headache.


Utilisation de "could", "might"

On peut utiliser "could" ou "might" au lieu de "would" dans la proposition principale du second conditionnel.

If Tom were rich, he would buy an expensive car.

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