Segundo condicional

(Second conditional)


Nós usamos a segunda condicional para descrever uma situação no presente que não é real e o resultado se imaginarmosé real.

    If I took the bus, I would arrive at 7pm.     

Forma - condicional e oração principal

Formamos a segunda condicional com uma cláusula condicional e uma cláusula principal:
A ordem das cláusulas não importa: o significado é o mesmo.

Se colocarmos a cláusula condicional antes da oração principal, usamos uma vírgula:

Cláusula condicional Cláusula principal
"If" + passado simples + vírgula "would" + infinitivo (sem "to")
If I took the bus, I would arrive at 7pm.
If I owned that house, I would paint it a different colour.
If I lived in Italy, I would learn to cook Italian food.
If you were me, would you take the train or the bus?
If Tom were rich, he would buy an expensive car.

Nós não usamos uma vírgula, se colocarmos a cláusula principal antes de a cláusula condicional:

Cláusula principal Cláusula condicional
"would" + infinitivo (sem "to") "if" + passado simples
I would arrive at 7pm if I took the bus.
I would paint that house a different colour if I owned it.
I would learn to cook Italian food if I lived in Italy.
Would you take the train or the bus if you were me?
Tom would buy an expensive car if he were rich.


Complete as frases para formar a segunda condicional com a forma correta do verbo entre parêntesis:
If I    to London, I would go to St. Paul’s cathedral. (go)

Jack and Emily would get a cat if they    near a busy road. (not live)

I'd    you to the Lake District if you came to London. (take)

If I gave you £100, what would you    with it? (do)


Pratique ainda mais

Complete as frases selecionando a resposta correta de a, b, c ou d:
I would be surprised if she ____ the job.


They ____ to Bolivia if they had the chance.


Would you ____ to the conference if the company were paying for the tickets?


I’d cook steak if he ____ meat.


He ____ weight if he had a healthier diet.


Sarah said she would come to the party with me if she ____ a headache.


Uso do "could", "might"

Podemos usar "could" ou "might" em vez de "would" na cláusula principal da segunda condicional.

If Tom were rich, he would buy an expensive car.

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