'Used to' / 'would'

(Used to/would)


Usamos "used to" e "would" para descrever hábitos ou verdades no passado; eles não acontecem ou não são verdadeiros no presente.

"used to" ou "would" used to
"used to" versus "would"
Compare as seguintes frases:

Forma 1 - used to

Usamos "used to" com o infinitivo do verbo principal (sem to). Em formas negativas e pergunta, nós usamos "did" com "used to" (não " used to "):

Positivo I / You / We / They
He / She / It
used to like chocolate.
Negativo didn't use to
did not use to

pergunta Did I / you / we / they
he / she / it
use to like chocolate?


Complete as frases com a forma positiva, negativa ou de questão de "used to" usando o verbo entre parêntesis:

Sarah    good at dancing. (be)

When I was young, I    fish but now I eat it all the time. (not eat)

I    piano lessons. (have)

Where did they    to school? (go)


Forma 2 - would

Usamos "would" com as infinitivo do verbo principal (sem "a"):

Positivo I / You / We / They
He / She / It
would eat chocolate.
Negativo wouldn't
would not

pergunta Would I / you / we / they
he / she / it
eat chocolate?
Podemos contrair "would" e o pronome sujeito:
I’d / you’d / we’d / they’d / she’d / he’d / it’d


Complete as frases com a forma positiva, negativa ou pergunta de "would" usando o verbo entre parêntesis:

When I was learning to play the piano, I    every evening. (practise)

At university, Michael    until late at night. (study)

They    spicy food when they were young. (not eat)

Before you bought a car, how    you    to work? (travel)


Forma 3 - "used to" / "would" with "always", "never", "ever"

Podemos usar "always" com as formas positivas, negativas e pergunta de "used to" e "would". Nós usamos "never" com a forma positiva de "used to" e "would" e "always" com as formas negativas e de pergunta:

used to

Positivo I / You / We / They
He / She / It
never / always used to like chocolate.
Negativo didn't
did not
ever / always

pergunta Did I / you / we / they
he / she / it
ever / always use to like chocolate?


Positivo I / you / we / they
he / she / it
never / always used to like chocolate.
Negativo didn't
did not
ever / always

pergunta Would I / you / we / they
he / she / it
ever / always eat chocolate?
  • I always used to swim at the weekend.
  • I would always swim at the weekend.
  • He never used to swim at the weekend.
  • Would he ever swim at the weekend?


Complete as frases usando o "used to" ou "would" e o verbo entre parêntesis:

He    always    vegetables at the market. (buy)

Sarah never    . (smoke)

They    always    English. (speak)

Did they ever    to the library? (go)


Pratique ainda mais

Complete as frases com a resposta correta de a, b, c ou d:
We ____ breakfast in the same café every morning.


I ____ the bus to school.


They ____ on time.


He ____ Mexican food but he loves it now.


____ work in a bank?


When they were children, ____ the dinner?


Observe que às vezes você vai ouvir a ordem de "never" / "always" e "used to" comutada no Inglês falado, como no exemplo: " I used to always like chocolate."
Entretanto, para os exemplos e exercícios dessa planilha, usamos a ordem das palavras padrão como explicado acima (por exemplo, "I always used to like chocolate.").

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