Conjunções 'and', 'or', 'but'

(Conjunctions and, or, but)


and, or, but, so, because

Conjunções são usadas para conectar duas frases em uma longa sentença:
"and" é usado para adicionar itens a uma lista: "or" é usado para falar sobre as opções: "but" é usado para mostrar contraste: "so" dá o resultado de algo: "because" dá razão para alguma coisa:
Mais exemplos

Nós geralmente colocamos uma vírgula antes "or", "but" e "so".

Com uma longa lista usamos vírgulas e nós colocamos "and" antes do último item: Nós podemos colocar "because" no início de uma frase:


Complete as frases com a conjunção correta.
I'm very good at sport,    I'm terrible at maths.

The movie was bad,    I left the cinema.

At university, he studied physics    chemistry.

Mick can't drive, so he can take the train,    he can take the bus.

Shelly didn't buy the car    she didn't have enough money.


Pratique ainda mais

Complete as frases com a resposta correta de a, b, c ou d:
While my father was in Agra, he decided to visit the Taj Mahal ____ the Agra Fort.


I wasn't invited to the party, ____ I didn't mind.


____ she was tired, she went to bed early.


Would you like to go to a restaurant, ____ shall I make something?


She couldn't hear him, ____ he turned the television off.


I finished the report late ____ my computer broke whilst I was writing it.


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